Can pregnancy make your teeth fall out?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more of the four permanent adult teeth at the back corners of your mouth. 

If a wisdom tooth does not have room to grow is called an impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted tooth can result in pain, infection, and other dental problems. Sometimes preventative extractions are suggested even if you are not currently experiencing problems. A symptom-free wisdom tooth can still harbour disease and it is best to take a proactive approach before it can lead to other dental problems. 

As the last permanent teeth to erupt in the mouth, wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 25. In some cases, a person may never develop their wisdom teeth and for others, they arrive just as their other molars did — and cause no problems at all. 

Due to a lack of room in the mouth, many times, wisdom teeth may erupt only partially or not at all. They can also grow at an angle that can affect the neighbouring teeth, grow towards the back of the mouth, and grow straight up or straight down but stay trapped within the jawbone. 

Problems with impacted wisdom teeth

You will likely need a wisdom tooth extraction if you experience: 

  • Tooth pain or jaw pain 
  • Food and debris trapped behind the wisdom tooth
  • Infection or gum disease
  • Decay in wisdom tooth that has not fully erupted 
  • Damage to nearby teeth or jaw bone 
  • Development of a cyst near or around the wisdom tooth
  • Complications to your current orthodontic treatments 

How is a wisdom tooth removal performed? 

The dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone, remove the bone that blocks access to the tooth root. The tooth may be divided into sections by the dentist if it's easier to remove in pieces. Once the tooth is removed, debris is cleaned from the site before stitches are added. Gauze is then placed over the extraction site to control bleeding. 

Preparing for surgery

A wisdom tooth extraction is almost always performed as an outpatient procedure. This means that you go home the same day. During your consultation, you will receive instructions on what to do before the surgery, the day of your scheduled surgery, and the recovery days following. 

Types of anesthesia

There are a few options for comfort when having a wisdom tooth extraction: 

  • Local anesthesia. One or more injections are made near the extraction site. You will feel some pressure and movement, but you shouldn't experience pain.
  • Sedation anesthesia. An intravenous (IV) line of anesthesia in your arm will suppress your consciousness during the procedure. You don't feel any pain and likely won’t remember the procedure. 

If you require or think you may require a wisdom tooth extraction, call our office to schedule a consultation. At the time of your consultation, we encourage you to ask any questions you may have. If you have any questions or concerns after your consultation, please call our office at (403) 382-2273 we will be happy to help you.