Correcting Jaw Positioning to Enhance Facial Profile

Bad bite or malocclusion means that the teeth on the upper and lower teeth don’t align properly. It can be a result of a misaligned jaw either from birth or due to injuries or developmental issues.

Here’s Dr. Lachman of Cool Dental showing us how proper jaw alignment looks like.

What Happens if You Have Misaligned Jaw

When the upper and lower teeth don't meet appropriately, you may have trouble speaking, eating, breathing, and even sleeping. You may also feel pain in the area whether or not your jaw is moving.

The jaw joint system is complex. When one of its parts isn't functioning right, the pain can be recurring and reach other parts of the body. This oral health issue can have physical and emotional impacts on an individual.

Children may experience teasing from their peers and this can make them feel more conscious of their appearance. Adults, on the other hand, may experience chronic pain that can interfere with their daily activities.

Your dentist can identify jaw misalignment and customize treatments for it. The earlier the treatment starts, the more you can reduce the need for surgery. Your dentist may recommend various appliances that can help move the jaw to its proper position.

How to Avoid Jaw Alignment Issues

To help maintain proper jaw alignment, it's important to pay attention to your daily habits.

●  Examine your jaw. Keep track of how you're using your jaw. Do you find yourself moving it outside of eating, swallowing, and speaking? See how your teeth come in contact with each other when your mouth is at rest. Do you feel you're clenching or grinding your teeth? Do fatigue, stress, and intense physical activities make your jaw feel tensed?

●  Avoid using your jaw inappropriately. Avoid opening your mouth too wide when not necessary. Excessive movement can strain the jaw joint and muscles. If you're feeling pain in your jaw, avoid constantly moving it to assess how the soreness is going. This can only heighten the pain and discomfort and delay recovery.

●  Know more about proper jaw exercise. Talk to your dental team on safe jaw exercises that you can do. The right jaw exercises can vary per person. Always seek professional advice before trying a routine.

●  Be careful when eating. If you are to eat hard and crunchy food, cut it into small pieces first. Avoid using your upper teeth to bite into it. Be cautious as well if you're chewing candies that require excessive jaw movement.

●  Modify sleep positions. Sleeping on your stomach or pressing your jaw against your hand or arm can apply pressure to the jaw. Try instead to sleep on your sides or your back.

Always consult with your dentist or oral surgeon on habits that promote proper jaw positioning.

Don't endure the discomfort or pain on your jaw even if it tends to go away on its own. If it's coming back, there may be underlying issues that need to be resolved, and immediately as much as possible.

Benefits of Correcting Jaw Position Early

The correct jaw position creates a proportional facial profile. It helps you feel more confident about yourself, but more importantly, it helps prevent oral health and general health issues from developing.

Our dental office in Lethbridge area welcomes both children and adult patients. You can come in at the same time for your convenience.

Getting started with routine dental check-ups and examinations reduces the need for invasive treatments and also reduces dental costs.

Call us today at (403) 382-2273. We’re happy to assist you with your oral health concerns.